Aircraft Safety

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Aircraft Safety Training is applicable to any individual travelling in small fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft.

Training is offered at several levels depending on your organizations needs. Course fees do not include flight or ground time with the aircraft, but Arctic Response can arrange for aircraft rentals upon request.

Course Content

Level 1 – Basic Aircraft Safety

Basic Aircraft Safety includes personal and organizational pre-trip planning, an overview of the capacities and limitations of search and rescue, orientations to and tours of aircraft commonly used in the north with a focus on the location and operation of emergency exits, equipment, ELTs, and communication devices.

Level 2 – Hover Exit Safety

Hover Exit Safety provides advanced training for individuals needing to access or egress rotary wing aircraft away from a prepared landing pad. Subject to the client’s specific safety policies and training objectives, training may include slinging, long lining, hover exits, toe-in exits, and single skid exits.

Load Slinging

Load Slinging prepares participants to safely prepare and load rotary-wing aircraft slings. Delivery begins in-class with lectures and discussion, followed by an afternoon of practical training. Course content includes crew responsibilities, PPE, lift and load planning, weights, load packing basics, and emergency planning. Course content is customized to client needs and context.

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